
Will it be the Final Battle?

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Yatagarasu-san's avatar

Literature Text

"So this is it," says a girl standing on a cliff overlooking a dark chasm. Dead trees are scattered among the rubble and boulders as dark shadows stroll on its ground. They're formless as they shift in height and figure. But the thousand creatures have one thing in common, the insignia that centers itself on their backs, the Nightmare symbol. A marking that is hard to describe but it glows a dark orange shade as they walk around their posts surrounding a monument of a Celtic architecture.
A castle ejects towering spears as windows plot themselves on the stone exterior. However, no light shines from their glass, only the emptiness of darkness. That's when seven other figures approach from the gazing girl from behind. The girl's hair quickly shifts from a brave green to a nervous brown as her hands clasp for sureness. Another hand touches her shoulder as she looks back to see the brown eyes of her comrade. Her skin gray skin glows yellow from his touch as he looks back to the rest of the group.
"There's so many of them," says another female voice as that girl's fur waves in the wind. She shakes her head as her horns wisp in the air. Her hooves cuff on the ground as the cold gets to her through her martial artist attire.
"It won't be easy to get into the castle," says a deep sound from the maw of a lion. Standing on his hind legs his mane perks up as a devious smile crawls upon his face. Then another boy comes up to the lion's side. A rather short boy but his hair on his head gives him some height. A cloak covers most of gold glowing outfit as a crown frames his head.
"We weren't planning it on Leon," says the short boy as he shifts his gaze upon the boy next to the hair shift alien, "Didn't we Nick?"
"No," replies Nick as he looks back further behind him to the last few coming up behind them, "Is this it?" Being guarded by a green skinned boy, two other woman walk up with him, both cloaked in a black. The guard's expression is a robotic and static as he guides the ladies up to the rest of the group.
"Librock," says Nick, "Let them go." The green boy sweeps his hands, cross the other as a green snake like glow vanishes from being wrapped around the women.
"Was that really necessary?" asks the tall mistress as she brings her head up as a mask covers her face. An eye is marked on it as starts to take it off. Beneath the plastic a blue skinned creature with smooth complexion the oval eyes blink gracefully from it. The younger one beside takes off her mask as well. The scythe insignia falls to the human appears of the red head girl.
"Sorry," apologizes Nick, "it would have been easier to take you guys here as bargaining chips then the other way around."
"Then again there wouldn't much of a difference," says the goat horned girl, named Estena, "A Nightmare's a Nightmare no matter what kind."
"Do you really think so Estena?" asks the blue skinned woman, "As a foreseer of my planet Nepydro, I am forced to see the future, but that does not know the past…
"Long ago these Nightmares you see in the chasm were the most intellectual creatures created from the fears of man and alien…For everyone is afraid of death…The Timemares were different during these times, they were calm…collected…peaceful…So to prove my point, not all Nightmares are as dumbfounded, but only a child of Time could control such beings…"
Everyone then looks at the girl as her red locks flow in the wind as she stares off into the castle. Her eyes start to water as her minds seems to drift to another place, perhaps another time. "Your brother?"
"Yes," replies the girl, "Nicholas…just as I am the Princess of Space…my twin brother is the Prince of Time…"
"I'm sorry," nervously says Nick, "Of what's gonna happen…"
"…I knew this day would come…I just didn't know how…"
"Well sorry to break this up," says the little height of the cloaked boy named Mathas, "but we kind of have a problem with that." He points with one of his gray skinned fingers pointing down at the mass army strolling the castle's outer grounds.
"How are we gonna get in the castle," says Pathas, her hair slowly growing a bit more green, but her skin still as grey as the expression on her friends.
"I'll do it," answers Mathas. Everyone then shifts their looks so fast that even the little boy had to step back in astonishment.
"You sure?" asks Estena.
"Of course I am," replies the boy, "I'm the Prince of Libair of the Northern Quadrant, I can handle it…though I was stuck in my room for most of life…I'm a master of Gravimanna and Elamanna, let me do this!"
"No," orders Leon, "at least…not alone…I'll help him, but after I get you guys to the gates."
"Good so we all know what to do," says Nick, "Mathas and Leon will handle the Nightmares on the outside, Leon will get us in and when we do…"
"I know where the Meeting Room," says the Forseer her hood coming off as two slick antennae pop out, "the King of our Zodiac should be there."
Howling wind blows through the bare branches of the dead trees that manifest their own forest in the bottom of the chasm. Groups of Nightmares wonder among the rubble rocks and fallen boulders. But their zombie like harmony is broken as a roar echoes through the canyon.
Then out from behind a wall of rock, a winged lion ten feet tall jumps upon the army shocking the mentality of the Nightmares. The flying beast is joined by a wave of invisible force as some of the Nightmares are yanked from their posts making room for the beast.
And riding on the beast are six figures with Nick at the front guiding the lion towards the gates. Suddenly from behind them shoots a bolt of lightning straight from the fingers of a small little alien Prince.
Finally, the Nightmares react to the intruders as the swarm to the giant beast. But they all attempted in failure as from the beast's mouth, flames block their assault. They are then seen soaring as gravity works against them. The beast that is Leon approaches the gates but then out of nowhere a tentacle darts towards the group sending them to the earth. The next thing Nick and rest hear is the villainous laughter of someone watching from above.
"Thief!" cries Foreseer as she sees another cloaked figure, however his mask was different. On the face of the material wasn't the mark of an eye but a symbol of lock.
"Sorry…hehehe…you're not getting in!" cries the high pitched voice of Thief as he shoot s another tentacle at the group from beneath his shroud. Leon, now out of his beast form, summons fire to his hands as he forces the appendage back to its master.
But before the tentacle cringes back to under the cloak of Thief, a green hand grabs it. In shock, Thief's expression continues as hear something from the mouth of the Infocian. "Tiger Claw!"
A glowing aura of a razor sharp claw of a tiger strikes the being of Thief, but Librok's hold does not break. "Where's Bishop!"
The lock stares at the determined expression of his oppressor as he shoots another tentacle at the boy. But to no avail, another claw slashes the thing to pieces. Screaming in pain, Thief finally lets the doors open to the intruders, as nurses his tentacle.
The group enters the dark abyss of the castle as Leon looks back with assuring look to Nick and then jumps into the mass of Nightmares. The door closes to the scene of the two Princes fighting the onslaught of Nightmares.
"Nick?" Pathas's voice puts Nick back to the task at hand. The boy walks to the front of the group as the chamber before them is empty. The only lights are of the stars that replicate from the constellations of the World of Time and Space.
Then Librok storms up to Nick's side as his face cringes. His breath is hard as his hands glow an aura of rage. A laughter from the emptiness echoes in the room, as another cloak breaks from the darkness. Once again the figure wears a mask, but this one is of a chess piece, the Bishop.
"Greetings Librok," says Bishop, "How's your family…oh, that's right you killed them." Suddenly another tiger strikes the masked figure, but an invisible force defends him, the same force like of Mathas. As the gravity returns to normal, Bishop takes his mask off revealing the same appearance of the Prince.
"Masks are only a formality," says Bishop.
"You killed them," says the angered Librok, "you destroyed my whole planet."
"The Infocians needed to be destroyed, they were in the way of my King…I just didn't want to get my hands dirty." Bishop is met with another aura attack simulating a pincer from some kind of bug. The attack stirs dust from the platform of the metal ground beneath them. "Go!"
As the image comes to view, Nick sees Librok and Bishop at a standoff. "Do I have to repeat myself? Get to the King now noobie!"
Librok's voice assures Nick that the battle of revenge will only help him. The rest of the groups then begin to follow the movements of Foreseer and the girl, Samantha, through the elusive corridors on the castle. "Forgot that we didn't destroy all the members of the Zodiac…"
The Emocian's words vibrate on the unseen walls, as Pathas's hair still glows as it shifts through many colors. "The meeting room should be right around this corner!"
Foreseer was right, the only door down the corridor is the only material around them that won't burst into light and fade. But as the view of the wood on the opening comes into full view, the group is forced to stop at the feet of two figures.
One is a little feminine, as her mask glows from her black cloak as the tiara symbol shines in the starlight. The Zodiac member next to her is five times her size with the cloak only covering the man's muscular physique.
"Rook," says Estena as her fur covered face copies the same expression of Librok, "I thought I drowned you at the Champion's Tournament."
"You wrong Airirian," replies the blunt voice of the castle masked warrior, "Rook can never be stopped!"
"Please calm down darlin'," the western accent feeds from the tiara marked mask of the Queen of the Zodiac, "well Pathas, my sweet aren't you doin' swell?"
Suddenly the color of the Emocian's hair glows a mixture of red and green, contrasting her gray and green skin. Wind starts to stir around her as her form disappears into air. "Attack Gale!"
Just as the words fade, the Queen is knocked from all sides around her as Pathas's silhouette comes in and out of view. "So we're doin' this now aren't we!"
A hoof comes from one of the sleeves of the cloak as it formulates itself into a five finger palm. But the hand does not last long as it turns into a long, black whip. The Queen slings the two new weapons around her as they finally make contact with the windy form of Pathas.
"Pathas!" yells Estena as she charges into battle. Water begins to form at her hands as she starts to whip it at the head of the Queen. However the watery weapon makes its mark on steel like forearm.  Rook steps in front of the ram shape of Estena as the two repeat their battle that they started at the round in the tournament.
"Nicholas!" yells Samantha as she and Foreseer are at the edge of the corridor along its invisible walls. Broken from the shock of seeing his friends battling for him, he wipes away a tear and runs towards the two former members of the Zodiac. Distracted, Queen and Rook ignore the remaining three intruders and enter through the double paneled doors.
The room is practically a void but with the same atmosphere. The ceiling and walls reflect the space outside, planets and stars. In front of the three is a row of thrones, each has a carving of each member's of the Zodiac masks. And sitting in the middle of the queue is a little boy now taller than five feet. As if he was impatiently waiting, the crown on his mask signifies his presence, as King of the Zodiac.
"Took you long enough," says the King.
"Brother," replies Samantha, stepping forward with a sadden, worried expression, "Please stop this…"
"Now why would I do that," says King and then glares at Nick, "These humans are worthless…they need to be destroyed…"
"…But you're human too," says Nick. His form disintegrates into air as a gusting slash breaks the King's mask. Astonished, the King steps from his thrown as the plastic crumbles. With every piece of the mask falling, an orange aura glows stronger and brighter. Nick returns to the side of Foreseer and Samantha as the room around comes to a halt, all the planets and constellations suddenly stop.
"No one disrespects me!" yells the King.
"Really, Timmy?!" taunts Nick, as his opponent musters a flame out of his hand. The fire quenches and solidifies into a mystical blade glowing of flames, the Flarious Neon Blade. And just the same, Nick's hand ejects a burst of water and becomes an ocean in a blade, the Aquious Neon Blade.
"They can finally end this feud," says Foreseer as the two warriors take their stance, "They were used for evil and vengeance, staining their purity…" Nick and the King Timothy, begin their battle both charging at one another.
"Before the World of Time and Space's inevitable fusion, the Aquious Neon Blade was owned by the Timemares and the people of the World of Time…the Flarious Neon Blade was owned by the Dream Spirits of Aliens and the World of Space…"
Water and fire explode from the tips of the swords as both uses more than their weapons' magic for combat. Nick uses his free hand to command the lessons he learned from his friends and slowly fulfills his duty as a Dream Avatar. Timothy on the other hand skillfully manipulates the power within him, as sweeps the strength of time at his opponent.
"However, when the worlds began to collide, none of the residents understood it…and rebelled against their new neighbors…"
More than time and elements were weapons, as Nick's Dream Spirit flies from his back and brings back-up to his Master. But being a Dreamer as well, Timothy summons his Dream Spirit as a Great White shark battles the spirit of the opponent's crow.
"And before King Rocuel of Time and Queen Knohela of Space knew of their people's fighting…it was too late…the people stool the blades from their respective rulers, right under their noses, and stained their craft…and ever since the swords were in a constant battle, even without a wielder…"
"Until Nicholas's father sealed them together in the Neon Blade," replies Samantha, "but my twin brother broke it…"
"And now the blades shall battle again," continues Foreseer, "Hopefully this will be their last…the Final Battle…"

Okay so this is a little sinpit of one of my books. This is like...a 10 clip from my third story (that i'm still working on XP) the book is called DX Generation the sequel of Dream Generation with Dream World as the 1st book.

Technically just give a background, DX Generation centers around a boy named Nick (Nicholas) who's the son of the King of Dreams and the Prince of Night. Now after saving the world from total destruction with his brother and sisters. He finds out that the reason why their villian was actually doing, he was gonna be destroying ALL the dimensions.

But of course he wasn't doing it alone, he was part of 13 members of an organization called the Zodiac. So alone, Nick travels to the World of Time and Space and must battle the and destroy the King before his plans are complete. But after losing his battle with the King he goes around the world to learn its secrets from each planet in the dimension, gaining some friends a long the way.

Now the Zodiac is controlling monsters called Nightmares that come in any form. They exist anywhere but thrieve in another dimension called the World of Fears.

Dreamer: Human/Alien that has bonded with their Dream Spirit
Dream Spirit: Animal/Anthro/Human/Alien that exist in the World of Time and Space, Dream World, or World of Night
Manna: the source of magic in the World of Time and Space comes in the elements as well as Dark, Light, Gravity, and Wood

Sorry if this is confusing :P
© 2010 - 2024 Yatagarasu-san
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RollingTomorrow's avatar
Thank you for entering the Writing Tournament at #Writers--club! :la:

This was quite dramatic! It would have been nice to learn a bit more about the characters in the piece itself, but it was still well presented and kept to the overall mood. :nod:

Founder of #Writers--club and #LandoftheSky